I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The First Meeting

The first meeting has always been the hardest and the most unpredictable.

I was so scared thinking about giving a good first impression.
I read twice, I understood but I eventually forgot about
what I read. I had to be physically and mentally prepared. However, as the date
got closer I became mentally weaker. 
Overthinking describes me well.
That first meeting became one of the things that I don't want to remember!

Friday, February 12, 2016

A Student Again

Registered as a student at UPM... ditemani oleh Mak, Ayah, Arid dan Syahin... semua
dokumen yang diperlukan dah sedia... pendaftaran setempat dan berpusat... mudah
dan pantas...tapi karenah manusia yang paling tak boleh tahan...
kesimpulannya memang ada je manusia jenis
yang tak suka memudahkan kerja
orang lain dalam mana-mana

So, sabar je la....

Officially a student!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

My birthday is the nation's mourn day

A friend expressed her sympathy to me upon the declaration of 22nd August 2014 
as the nation's mourn day. It is my birthday but I knew that she was just teasing. 
Well, I don't think that my birthday will be any different from last year.
There won't any special celebration whatsoever as usual. 
I will usually spend the day with my daughter either at the shopping mall 
or if I feel lazy I will just stay at home and watch TV.