I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Convocation Day 2009

It was her convocation day. Her second time graduation from kindergarten. She was as happy as before. She gave a typical performance on stage... but captured my heart as always... made me proud of being her mother. The same music was heard as she made her way to the stage. But she was a different person today. Apparently, she was much taller.. in fact, among the tallest in her class. And I could see her gaining self-confidence after two years of kindergarten. She was very lively on stage.. dancing and singing cheerfully with the rest of the kids...

Qua sera sera.. whatever will be will be.. the future's not ours to see... Therefore, my dear, I wish you all the good things in life... I love you..