I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

JB! Here I come again... sighhh!! :o

Bercintanyaaaa!!!!... Leaving for JB again tomorrow; EARLY in the morning!!!.. And going by bus again.. But, this time managed to persuade Syahin to come with me.. :D.. OKlah gak!... (If not, mesti mati kutu!)... But, pity her because she'll be left alone for two hours when I go to class.. :(   Hope she'll be fine... Tu laa.. .. Poor Syahin... Now, that little girl has to sacrifice...Well, nothing much can be done... Tickets bought! Pfffff!!!!

Syahin's 8th Birthday

Just celebrated Syahin's 8th birthday.. This year's celebration was quite special because I cooked most of the dishes!!! :) (proud of myself.. :D) But, of course with the help of the recipes from THE INTERNET... Couldn't do without it!.. Unfortunately, only some dishes turned out well and some did NOT! Well, see for yourself!!! Bon appetit, guys!