I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

To all mothers and teachers out there...

Happy Mothers' Day and Happy Teachers' Day!.. As a mother and a teacher, it is a double celebration for me... It was indeed a wonderful double celebration... My daughter told me that she made a Mother's Day card at school for me... I received my first Teachers' day's wish from a student from my tuition class.. My inbox was loaded with warm wishes for both celebrations from friends and family... :))

If I Could Teach You, Teacher
If I could teach you, teacher,

I’d teach you how much more

you have accomplished

than you think you have.

I’d show you the seeds

you planted years ago

that are now coming into bloom.

I’d reveal to you the young minds

that have expanded under your care,

the hearts that are serving others

because they had you as a role model.

If I could teach you, teacher,

I’d show you the positive effect

you have had on me and my life.

Your homework is

to know your value to the world,

to acknowledge it, to believe it.

Thank you, teacher.
~Joanna Fuchs~

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