I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

“Universal Love”.. I found you!

"Andai cinta itu bunga... aku mahu ia berkembangan di sepanjang perjalanan hidup ini..."

To the people I hurt yet I care... I may not always act like you're the most important person in my life... but, you are... I wish one day you'll understand... and when the day comes, you'll forgive me...

Strength of Character

This entry is dedicated to ~Abby Abadi~.. We may not know each other, but somehow I feel so close to you... I enjoy reading your fanpage on Facebook.. I feel that we have a lot in common.. in our ways.. I truly understand what you've gone through... I believe that you're a strong woman... I admire your spirit, endurance and determination.. I wish you all the good things in life.. Hang on there just a little bit more, sis... for I'm sure that you'll find your happiness along your way... Thanks for inspiring me.. You're a woman with your own STRENGTH OF CHARACTER!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Look!

This is me with my new look on my convocation day! Don't you think that I look intelligent? 'wink wink' :p

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Wanna Have a Career Change!!!!!!!!!!!!

I made a fool out of myself yesterday. I lost my temper in front of my students in class. I made them stand on the chair and listen to my endless high-pitched nagging, babbling, complaining and shouting.... and it was all because of that single yet aggravating incident .

Friday, September 2, 2011

Syahin's new guitar

Syahin... impersonating the singer on the bus..
Location : Pasar Besar Melaka