I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Wanna Have a Career Change!!!!!!!!!!!!

I made a fool out of myself yesterday. I lost my temper in front of my students in class. I made them stand on the chair and listen to my endless high-pitched nagging, babbling, complaining and shouting.... and it was all because of that single yet aggravating incident .
It was a two-hour hostile situation for everyone. We were at war. It was a war between me and my students. We despised each other. I hated to look at their face as much as they hated to see mine. I deliberately uttered harsh cruel words just to be a pain in their neck!!!!

I easily lost my temper in class recently. I'm losing my patience each day. Could it be a sign that I'm just not fit for this job????... How I wish I could have a career change!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to be a teacher anymore!!!!!!!!!

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