I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The good cop, the bad cop & the road thug...

When I was little, going to the post office or any other government counters was a scary experience for me..it was simply because of the unfriendly and cold services offered by the counter officers in those places..I'm pretty sure that many others had the same experience as I had too.. Fortunately, things are getting better nowadays..you can expect smiling faces of the counter officers waiting to serve you..eventhough sometimes they look so unreal with fake smiles..

Unfortunately, not all of the goverment servants have changed..some still need to be educated on ethics and good manners..Two different experience I had with the Malaysian Police on the same day proved that some people are born rude and will always be rude no matter what uniform that they are wearing.

The Good Cop

I was driving slowly, approaching the toll gate to collect the ticket. It was a long queue as there were many vehicles on the road. Suddenly, a policeman with his motorbike stopped me and raised his hand and smiled at me. I nodded as I understood that as a signal to make way for the police car and VVIP's cars to pass by. As the police car passed by, the co-driver waved gently with a smile on his face, thanking me for letting them go through the traffic. I nodded and smiled back. My impression was 'Wow! These people are reeaallly good and sooo very polite'.... 

The Bad Cop a.k.a the Road Thug

I'd been driving for almost two hours on the highway, keeping on the left lane and maintaining the speed between 90-100kmph. Once a while I overtook huge lorries and trucks which were moving slower than my speed limit. When I was about to overtake a lorry, two cars sped on the right lane followed by a police car with the lamps on. I let them pass and overtook the lorry right after them. Suddenly, the co-driver of the police car showed his head out of the window and pointed his finger at the cars behind. It was obvious that he was cursing by the look on his face, eventhough his words couldn't be heard. I assumed that he was pissed off because we didn't make way for his car and the VVIP cars that he was escorting. The scene went on for a few minutes before the VVIP cars passed by, escorted by another police car that almost brushed my car, which I believe was done intentionally, as a warning and a sign of anger! My impression was totally opposite from the first experience. 'This is living evidence of the misuse of power by the police!' Such rude people! They reminded me of a road thug I encountered some time ago. Only that this time the devil wore a uniform!

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