I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Love-Hate Relationship

My daughter is my most precious gift...She has been with me by being more than just a company since I was on my own and she was just one back then...we became intimately close when she turned two...such a small girl with a big heart..she was still young but was not too young to understand how I felt, and to sympathize and show her empathy towards me..how careful she was when uttering her words as she didn't want to hurt my feelings... she has tolerated a lot with me, who should have been the one to put up with her..

I recently snapped putting up with her demand...those mean words that came out from my mouth must have hurt her so much...she is normally a steady person with a cold heart when dealing with my rage..but that day when she cried made me regret.. I swore that I would not repeat those words again and how I wished I could take back those words even though I realised that the damage had been done and there was not point of crying over the spilt milk..

My daughter is my friend and also my foe...this love-hate relationship will continue but I hope that along the way, we both manage to put our differences aside and strive to keep the love alive... no one knows us best to judge us as much as we have known each other...

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