I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


I decided to take the IELTS test this year.. with no intention of going to the UK or Australia.. it was just for fun (since I got an 80% discount for the preparation class!) and hope to brush up my English.. The class is conducted in Ampang  which means I have to travel there on weekends for classes / workshops and mock-up tests..

The First Day of Ramadhan

This year's Ramadhan was a sad start... Received the news of the passing of an ex-student that morning.. Taught him two semesters ago.. it was sad to hear that his death happened during his practical... Al-fatihah.. In the afternoon, another bad news struck when my cat died of sickness.. Kenit had been a faithful companion.. Could still remember the day I found it and brought it back.. it was so little that we decided to call it Kenit.. I love u & miss u so much Kenit.. I know that you'll have a better life up there... Wish to see you again one day... :(

Dear Kenit,
I may not always act like you're important in my life, but you are.. How I wish I could treat you better when you were alive... :((

Friday, July 20, 2012

Mother - Daughter's Day Out

Went for a movie with Syahin today.. It wasn't planned... I asked Syahin whether she had finished her homework and she said yes... So, I took her out to watch a movie.. We weren't sure of what was showing in the cinema but we just went for it... Thankfully, Ice Age 4 was showing, so I bought two tickets for the 8.20 p.m. show.. Spent about two hours watching the movie... the movie was OK to me.. and as usual Syahin enjoyed it so much that her laughter could be heard everywhere in the hall and throughout the movie! :p