I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The First Day of Ramadhan

This year's Ramadhan was a sad start... Received the news of the passing of an ex-student that morning.. Taught him two semesters ago.. it was sad to hear that his death happened during his practical... Al-fatihah.. In the afternoon, another bad news struck when my cat died of sickness.. Kenit had been a faithful companion.. Could still remember the day I found it and brought it back.. it was so little that we decided to call it Kenit.. I love u & miss u so much Kenit.. I know that you'll have a better life up there... Wish to see you again one day... :(

Dear Kenit,
I may not always act like you're important in my life, but you are.. How I wish I could treat you better when you were alive... :((

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