I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


I decided to take the IELTS test this year.. with no intention of going to the UK or Australia.. it was just for fun (since I got an 80% discount for the preparation class!) and hope to brush up my English.. The class is conducted in Ampang  which means I have to travel there on weekends for classes / workshops and mock-up tests..
I went there two weeks ago to sit for the placement test.. It was a disaster.. I wasn't prepared at all.. the reading & writing part were difficult! ..(why am I doing this to myself ???? :p).. I didn't have enough time to complete my writing...the listening part was also confusing.. I missed a few answers.. (for those who want to take up the test... Never ever lose your focus!! Once you're distracted by your own thoughts, you'll miss the important points!) However, the speaking part was better.. I might have not given the answers they were looking for but at least it was a relief that I did not end up being speechless during the test...which is usually my weakness when in a stressful condition... :)) 

Just need to do better next time.. so, as a good start, I bought a book for practice... It costs me RM 49.90 & that's the cheapest book in the store... Well, I guess I need to find some time to do the exercises... Hope to pass the test with good scores.. :))

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