I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Could You Be My Teacher?

Starting school at an early age, my daughter, however, seems to enjoy her time in school. She has been telling me stories from how nice her teacher has been to how many friends she has made in school. However, when it comes to doing homework, just like most kids, she is no exception. She hates it.

One night, realising that she hadn't finished her homework, she crawled to me on bed putting a sweet decent look on her face. "Mama, I don't want to go to school tomorrow..," she pleaded. "Why?" I asked. "I'm afraid of the teacher. She's too fierce." She sounded so fragile. "Mama, you're a teacher, aren't you? Could you be my teacher and teach me at home? I'm not afraid of you."

I smiled; amused and also touched by her words. How all these while, I had never thought that she would understand my profession!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sayang....thanks...u r the best mother in the world...happy n tersentuh lak bila baca artikel tu...sronoknye kalau dpt tgk syahin pergi n blk sekolah..cmne erk keceriaan dia ms pergi n blk dr sekolah...abg ingt nk ambk cuti la..ambk syahin dr sekolah..msti dia terkejut.. :)
I luv and miss u all so much...