I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

In Pursue of A Master Degree

At last, I managed to gather my courage to apply for the master degree programme that I'd been looking forward to. I started applying for the course 2 years ago.. online, but I didn't proceed to the next step due to some constraints. "Why now?" " Are you influenced by your friends?" Some asked. Yes, friends do have some influence on me. But, I would rather say inspire than influence. They encourage me to further my studies and give me tremendous moral support. At the same time, deep inside my heart I begin to realise that there is a need for me to get this degree. Teaching English without an English educational background is so imperfect... and so insecure.

We sat together that day; my friends and I who planned to further our studies together. There were six of us. We had been considering a few local universities to apply for. It was a tough choice since there were some pros and cons to be taken into account. We finally decided to forward our applications to two local universities. Just in case if one was rejected, we could still have another chance.
We were all ready to sacrifice a part of our comfy life when we made this decision. It will be a long way for us... and it could also be a bumpy journey. Yes, I am a bit scared but I do believe that No Pain No Gain. I'd do everything to pursue this degree and learn to be a survivor.
I could see the six of us waiting in line to be called upon the stage. I could see the crowd. I could hear a soft, comforting music escorting us on stage. .. and we were all grinning ear to ear!

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