I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

2010 : Three Losses That Will Be Forever Missed

"Death Leaves A Heartache No One Can Heal,
Love Leaves Lives A Memory No One Can Steal"

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tomi the Cat! Meoww!!!

Our kitten goes missing again... It frantically ran out of the house one day and has never returned home since then... We've searched for it high and low for three days but have not spotted it anywhere...

Thursday, August 26, 2010


p/s : This cake no longer exists... Burp!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Business Hour!

"The Little Entrepreneur!"

Syahin came up with an idea to earn money... She decided to start up her own business... SELLING "jajans"!

Location : Front door, Home Sweet Home
Business hours : 6 p.m. - 7 p.m (Weekdays)

Target buyers : Friends n neighbours

Mission : To earn enough money to buy new toys!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Friends Forever? Nah!!!

Good friends complement each other* So very true yet so very rare* Tell me if I'm wrong* Straight into my eyes* Or if you dare not, shut your mouth and hold your words forever* Correct me, don't criticize* Stop looking for my faults and announcing them* In an annoying hypocritical way* So that it will only look good on you* As if you're an angel and I'm the devil* As if discovering my faults makes you happy* Pointing out my faults satisfies you the most.* Still call yourself my friend??? Beat it!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Wedding

Me and Syahin attended a wedding today... It was a bit awkward at first... I rarely attend wedding ceremonies these days... How I've loathed weddings... Anyway, it was not that bad... At least the food was scrumptious... We snapped some photos in the car while waiting for a friend... Really love these photos because I think that I look much younger... ;) and Syahin looks cheeky but as sweet as ever!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

To all mothers and teachers out there...

Happy Mothers' Day and Happy Teachers' Day!.. As a mother and a teacher, it is a double celebration for me... It was indeed a wonderful double celebration... My daughter told me that she made a Mother's Day card at school for me... I received my first Teachers' day's wish from a student from my tuition class.. My inbox was loaded with warm wishes for both celebrations from friends and family... :))

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile,
and finds in your presence that life is worth while.
So when you are lonely, remember it's true
Somebody somewhere is thinking of you.

How true it is!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hear Me Out... So SHUT UP!!!!

"Shut Up"

There you go
You're always so right
It's all a big show
It's all about you

You think you know
What everyone needs
You always take time
To criticize me

It seems like everyday
I make mistakes
I just can't get it right

It's like I'm the one
You love to hate
But not today

So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down

There you go
You never ask why
It's all a big lie
Whatever you do

You think you're special
But I know, and I know
And I know, and we know
That you're not

You're always there to point
Out my mistakes
And shove them in my face

It's like I'm the one
You love to hate
But not today

So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down
Is gonna bring me down

Will never bring me down

Don't tell me who I should be
And don't try to tell me what's right for me
Don't tell me what I should do
I don't wanna waste my time
I'll watch you fade away

So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down

Shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down

Bring me down
{shut up, shut up, shut up}
Won't bring me down
{shut up, shut up, shut up}
Bring me down
{shut up, shut up, shut up}
Won't bring me down

Shut up, shut up, shut up

Saturday, January 16, 2010

That little thing...

Most people generally agree that children are more sincere in expressing their feelings. Having the opportunity to teach children at school is a heart-warming experience.

One day, I distributed some photocopied notes, which I had prepared earlier, to my students and told them to write down their name on it. Instantly, one of them asked me, “Teacher, don’t we have to return the notes?” I replied, “No. They’re yours.” “For free?” He doubted. “Yes, I prepared them for all of you and they’re for free.” I explained, putting emphasis on every single word I said. Hearing my words, his face glowed and the whole class chorused, “Thannkkk youuuuu, teacher.....” I was quite surprised by that reaction. I had thought that what I did was usual but that simple credit warmed my heart. I could feel the sincerity.

I’ve been teaching young adults for many years. I’m used to having my extra notes ended up on the floor at the end of the class. Not many of them appreciate extra effort. But, that day was totally a different experience. How true that, little things could bring such huge effects on people.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Get Inspired!

" I thought when love for you died, I should die. It's dead. Alone, most strangely, I live on..."

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010, everyone!

The new year has come... I'm grateful to be here to celebrate this moment... Wish that this year brings lots and lots of happiness to me and to all the people I love ... I wish to be a better person... a better Muslimah .. I wish for a happier life.. I wish for more time spent with my daughter.. (luv u!!! :)) I wish for many good friends... I wanna appreciate my friends more...I wanna enjoy my life... I wanna make everyone happy... I wanna stay out of troubles... I wanna have a better work life... I wanna enjoy things that I do... I wanna shed some kilos... I need to let go of the past... I need to forgive and forget.. I need to control my anger... I need to stop bugging other people's life .. and I really.. really need to get my own life...

Happy New Year Wish

My Happy New Year wish for you
Is for your best year yet,
A year where life is peaceful,
And what you want, you get.
A year in which you cherish
The past year’s memories,
And live your life each new day,
Full of bright expectancies.
I wish for you a holiday
With happiness galore;
And when it’s done, I wish you
Happy New Year, and many more.