I Wanna Go to College!

I Wanna Go to College!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

One of my favourite hits...

KerisPatih - Tapi Bukan Aku

Jangan lagi kau sesali keputusanku
ku tak ingin kau semakin kan terluka
tak ingin ku paksakan cinta ini
meski tiada sanggup untuk kau terima

Friday, March 28, 2008


Life has been hectic this year... I finally manage to sit back and pursue my hobby... So, here I am...It's been a long time since I stopped blogging...

I met a few old friends today.. (well... I actually met them on the net.. ) A few old friends from school... it's been nice to know that they are all taking pleasure in life.... We have never met since we left school.. which was 14 years ago... Knowing that they are all thriving and leading a good life is most delightful... I had never imagined that one of my best friends would turn up to be a lecturer!.. (Well, I guess, she must be very surprised to learn about me too...) Not only does she lecture, but what is more uplifting is that she has also become a very resourceful individual who writes and inspires a lot of people out there... Proud of you Farah!...
We were just a bunch of mischievous girls in school during those days... We were remembered for causing troubles in school... Infact, I believe that no one would ever imagine us becoming educators... Nonetheless, one thing for sure is that we have changed... a lot... We mature.... we shoulder big responsibilities.. and we have learnt our lesson the hard way....

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


why is it hard to forget
memories of a broken heart
why do the memories keep coming back
keep crawling into my head

my heart aches in agony
flashes of old time memories
start rolling back in my mind
leaving scratches all over me

healing from the pain
reaching a helping hand
pulling me out
of that painful pain.........

Could You Be My Teacher?

Starting school at an early age, my daughter, however, seems to enjoy her time in school. She has been telling me stories from how nice her teacher has been to how many friends she has made in school. However, when it comes to doing homework, just like most kids, she is no exception. She hates it.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

In Pursue of A Master Degree

At last, I managed to gather my courage to apply for the master degree programme that I'd been looking forward to. I started applying for the course 2 years ago.. online, but I didn't proceed to the next step due to some constraints. "Why now?" " Are you influenced by your friends?" Some asked. Yes, friends do have some influence on me. But, I would rather say inspire than influence. They encourage me to further my studies and give me tremendous moral support. At the same time, deep inside my heart I begin to realise that there is a need for me to get this degree. Teaching English without an English educational background is so imperfect... and so insecure.

The Beginning of A New Life..

My daughter went to school early this year. She has been wanting to enter school all these while. Begging me to send her to school because she felt lonely at home. She was eager to start her schooldays and as a mother, I was more thrilled. I was rather worried. I couldn't imagine that this 4 year-old child of mine was finally going to school. I could still remember the day she was born. She was so adorable.. and so small that I could hardly feel her when she was in my arms.

I took her to school that day to register. On the next day, I didn't accompany her. My mother took her to school and left. She was on her own that day, unlike most of her classmates. She did cry at first but she managed to go through her first day in school wonderfully. For a little girl of her age, she was doing just fine in school.

I got back early from work that day. Impatient to meet her and hug her. I listened to her patiently as she cheerfully shared her delightful experience. When she said, "Mama, I want to go to school again." I was relieved. My worry diminished. I knew that she was really happy... And I knew nothing else was important.